Underground Strength Workouts

2010-08-04 UGS

Ten Rounds
1a. 3-5 Handstand Pushups
1b. Max Pullups

Five Rounds
2a. 10 Ring Dips
2b. 10 KB Row
2c. 10 KB Press

Three Rounds
3a. 20 GHD Situps
3b. 200′ Farmers Walk

CrossFit Workouts

2010-08-04 CrossFit

Run 5k

Strength Workouts

2010-08-03 Strength

Upper Body Max Effort
1. 5RM Standing Press
2. 5 x 3 Barbell Row
3. 4 x 15 KB Row

CrossFit Workouts

2010-08-03 CrossFit

Five Rounds for Time:
– 15 Deadlifts (225#)
– 20 Box Jumps (24″)
– 25 Pullups

CrossFit Workouts

2010-08-02 CrossFit

For time:
– 100 Pullups
– 100 Pushups
– 100 Situps
– 100 Squats

Underground Strength Workouts

2010-08-02 UGS

Four Rounds
1a. 5 Sandbag Shoulder & Squat Drops
1b. 10 Box Jumps

Four Rounds
2a. 10 Tire Flips
2b. 1 Leg Blaster

Four Rounds
3a. 100′ Tire Drag
3b. 1 Pyramid Suicide

50 Weighted Situps

Strength Workouts

2010-08-02 Strength

Lower Body Max Effort
1. 3RM Sumo Deadlift
2. 3 x 5 Good Morning
3. 2 x 30 KB Swing
4. 5 x 10 Knee Raises


2010-07-31 Open Gym

Saturday Instruction: How to Sweat 😉

Saturdays are open gym from 9:00 a.m. until noon. You can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction. We will have a WOD that you can do or you can choose to do a WOD that you missed this week.

Strength Workouts

2010-07-30 Strength

Lower Body Dynamic Effort
1. 10 x 2 Box Squat
2. 3 x 5 Split Squats
3. 5 x 10 Hip Extension

CrossFit Workouts

2010-07-30 CrossFit

Part A. Three Rounds – 7 Minute Limit:
– 30 Push-ups, release hands from floor at the bottom
– 12 Mountain Climber
– 21 Overhead Squat (95#/65#)
– 12 Mountain Climber

Rest 30 seconds.

Part B. Three Rounds – 7 Minute Limit:
– 30 Toes to bar
– 21 Ground to Overhead (95#/65#)

Rest 30 seconds.

Part C. Three Rounds – 12 Minute Limit:
– 5 GI Janes
– 3 Rope Climb