CrossFit Montgomery is hosting a CrossFit Movement and Mobility Trainer Course with Kelly Starrett on Sunday, May 20, 2012. Cost: $299
Register online at www.regonline.com/MobMontgomeryALMay2012 and take your first step to becoming a member of Starrett’s tribe of Supple Leopards – balanced, un-adhesed, optimally functional, mobile beings that can handle the physical stresses of daily life.
CrossFit Movement and Mobility Trainer Course
This one-day seminar is a performance oriented workshop for athletes and coaches wishing to develop effective mobility and flexibility strategies, improve ideal athlete positioning and movement set-up, and implement whole-body maintenance practices. Attendees will understand how to improve force production, increase work outputs, avoid common and preventable movement dysfunction and injury, and understand how to address simple performance related myo-fascial and joint mobility issues. Learn more about this specialty certification and others at CrossFit.com.
Coach Kelly Starrett
Coach Kelly Starrett received his Doctor of Physical Therapy in 2007 from Samuel Merritt College in Oakland, California. Before starting his own physical therapy practice at San Francisco CrossFit, one of the first 50 CrossFit affiliates, he practiced performance-based physical therapy at the world-renowned Stone Clinic. In his current practice, Kelly continues to focus on performance-based Orthopedic Sports Medicine with an emphasis on returning athletes to elite level sport and performance. His clients see exceptional results from his progressive blend of manual physical therapy and strength training.
Since 2009, Kelly has been traveling the country teaching his “Movement, Mobility & Maintenance Course” in an effort to spread his message that good mobility and proper movement are the keys to good performance and that all humans should be able to perform this basic maintenance on themselves.

Kelly, A.K.A. “K-Star” in the CrossFit community, is most recently known for his Mobility WOD (MWOD) program. He began posting a daily mobility WOD (workout of the day) in August 2010. We incorporate K-Star’s programming on a daily basis at The Boneyard, our CF box, and we think you should too!
To learn more about Kelly and the MWOD, visit www.mobilitywod.com, follow Kelly Starrett@mobilitywod on Twitter, “like” Mobility WOD on Facebook, or subscribe to San Francisco CrossFit on YouTube.