Community Events Workouts

2010-09-25 Fight Gone Bad 5 Fundraiser/WOD

We’ve raised over $3,500!  “Thank you” to those competing and to our donators!

The Boneyard will open at 9:00 a.m. Those competing need to be there no later than 9:30 a.m. to warm up. If you are not a CrossFit Montgomery member, please arrive between 9:00 and 9:30 a.m. so you can warm up and review the exercises with a trainer.

When you arrive, go to the registration table to check in, get your name tags and receive instructions. The “Hello, my name is” name tag is for you and the tags with a gold border are for the names of the persons you are honoring. Place your tags on the back, front, or sleeves of your shirt. There will also be a place on one of our whiteboards where you can write the names of the honorees on the board. FYI – The workouts will be recorded and we’ve hired a photographer.

The Fundraiser kicks off at 10 a.m. We have more than 24 competitors who have signed up to compete! We will have two sets of heats (one heat consists of 5 competitors) going at the same time. Each competitor will be partnered with another competitior. When one is working out, the other is counting reps and cheering for him/her. We will have clip boards and paper for the counter.

The first two heats will begin no later than 10:30 a.m. Everyone is beginning the workout at the wall ball station. We will be calling “rotate” at each station when there is 5 seconds left on the clock. We will have designated on-deck and rest areas. Your towel and water bottle will remain in these area at all times. When the 17 minutes is up, the counter will give the designated person(s) their clipboard. The designated person(s) will calculate the reps and place the scores on one of our whiteboards.

Prizes will be given to the top competitors. Integrity…that is all we are going to say with regard to counting good reps, whether they are yours or someone else’s reps. You know what is a good rep and what doesn’t count. If you don’t know, we’ll cover it with you tomorrow.

We will have apples, bananas, and water (and stretching!) for you to have after the workout. Be sure to hydrate before and after. The prescription for water is half your bodyweight in ounces per day plus an additional 16 ounces for every one hour of physical activity.

It’s not too late to donate! We will be accepting cash and check at the fundraiser. You may also donate online using Rapid Giving. You have until October 1 to donate.

Contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Good luck to the competitors!

Visit our Fight Gone Bad page for more information about the workout and fundraiser. Post questions, comments, or your FGB score to comments.

Community Events Workouts

2010-09-18 Open Gym & FFS

Saturdays are open gym from 9:00 a.m. until noon. You can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction. We will have a WOD that you can do or you can choose to do a WOD that you missed this week.

Free Fall Saturday
Join us at 10:00 a.m. for a free tour and workout and encourage family and friends to come. Be sure to bring a sweat rag and water bottle.

Fight Gone Bad Practice
There is one more week until Fight Gone Bad 5. Join us at 9:00, 10:00, or 11:00 a.m. so you can familiarize yourselves with the workout. If you know people planning to attend our fundraiser that aren’t members of CrossFit Montgomery, please let me know and invite them to join us.

(Saturday is CrossFit Montgomery member Chris Kay’s birthday!)

Community Events Rest Day

2010-09-05 Rest Day & Labor Day

Sundays are rest days at CrossFit Montgomery. 23:1 …  The ratio 23:1 represents 23 hours of free time (time spent not working out at The Boneyard) to your one hour workout (including warm-up, WOD, and stretching). That’s 23 hours that includes hydrating, eating (nutrition), sleeping (recovery), working, playing, etc.

Recovery is just as important as training. Your body needs time to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Recovery includes, but is not limited to: rest, sleep, hydration, good nutrition, stretching, self-massaging (using a foam roller), massage by a professional, and chiropractic care.

Weekly announcements are posted on Sunday. We email these announcements to those on our mailing list. If you want to receive these announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected]. We also provide updates on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week.

Weekly Announcements

The Boneyard is closed tomorrow for Labor Day. We will be posting a WOD that you can do at home or while on vacation. Our regular schedule will resume on Tuesday morning at 6:00 a.m.

– We are excited to say that we have recently added several new members. Over the next few weeks, we will be adding equipment and working on expanding/ renovating The Boneyard.  Good times…

– REMINDER:  Please continue to vote for the The Little Tree Preschool in the Pepsi Refresh Project until September 30, 2010.

– We are hosting Free Fall Saturdays every Saturday in September at 10:00 a.m. Join us for a free tour and workout and encourage family and friends to come. Yesterday was our first Fall Saturday. It was a pleasure meeting Russ and Randall. We look forward to them beginning our Foundations Program on Wednesday!

– CrossFit Montgomery is in the fight! Join us for Fight Gone Bad 5 on Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. Fight Gone Bad 5 is benefiting LIVESTRONG, the Wounded Warrior Project, and the CrossFit Foundation. We encourage you to attend and help us raise money for these great causes! Visit our Fight Gone Bad 5 page for more information.

– The Montgomery Half-Marathon presented by Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama and benefitting the Joy to Life Foundation will be held on Saturday, October 2, 2010 in downtown Montgomery. They are also hosting the Capital City 5K and Mayor’s Kids Mile. David, Jennie, Cody, Kelly, and four friends are participating in the Inaugural Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon that same weekend in Orlando, Florida. The Boneyard will be closed Thursday evening, Friday, Saturday, and Monday morning.

– CrossFit Montgomery is lifting barbells for boobs for the 2nd Annual “Amazing Grace” Fundraiser on Saturday, October 30, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. Amazing Grace is benefiting Mammograms in Action. This day is your chance to SAVE A PAIR. Visit our Amazing Grace page for more information. On this days, we will also be celebrating The Boneyard’s first anniversary (October 31, 2009).

Community Events Rest Day

2010-08-15 Rest Day

Happy Birthday to trainer David! He’s the big 3-0 today!

Sundays are rest days at CrossFit Montgomery. 23:1 …  The ratio 23:1 represents 23 hours of free time (time spent not working out at The Boneyard) to your one hour workout (including warm-up, WOD, and stretching). That’s 23 hours that includes hydrating, eating (nutrition), sleeping (recovery), working, playing, etc.

Recovery is just as important as training. Your body needs time to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues. Recovery includes, but is not limited to: rest, sleep, hydration, good nutrition, stretching, self-massaging (using a foam roller), massage by a professional, and chiropractic care.

Weekly announcements are posted on Sunday. We email these announcements to those on our mailing list. If you want to receive these announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected]. We also provide updates on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week.

Weekly Announcements

– We completed the affiliation process with CrossFit Inc. in July and changed our name from 41Fitness to CrossFit Montgomery. We are excited about joining the CrossFit community of 1,700+ affliates worldwide and look forward to spreading the CrossFit movement.

– We are hosting Free Fall Saturdays every Saturday in September at 10:00 a.m. Join us for a free tour and workout and encourage family and friends to come.

– CrossFit Montgomery is hosting Fight Gone Bad 5 on Saturday, September 25, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.-noon. Fight Gone Bad 5 is benefiting LIVESTRONG, the Wounded Warrior Project, and the CrossFit Foundation.  We encourage you to attend and help us raise money for these great causes!  For more information, visit our Fight Gone Bad 5 page.

– Trainers David, Jennie, and Cody competed at the Faction Games 2010 this weekend in Memphis. Members Kelly and Z, and friends Christina and Scott participated in the 5K Trail Run/Obstacle Course Saturday morning. This was the same course used by David, Jennie, and Cody in their third event that day. Congrats to David who placed 16th and Cody who placed 39th (out of 50+) athletes! Kudos to Jennie who placed 12th out of 17 advanced females! We will continue to add videos and photos from the competition.

Community Events

2010-07-16 CrossFit Games

The 2010 CrossFit Games are here! For the first time the Games will be televised via the Internet.

Links of Interest:
What are the CrossFit Games?
The Revolution Will Now be Televised
Tentative Event Schedule

The CrossFit Games give us an excuse to gather and socialize outside of The Boneyard. Join us for two CrossFit Games parties:  Saturday 6 p.m. – until and Sunday 2 – 6 p.m. Come to one or both!

The parties are at member Kelly’s house.  She lives near Montgomery Academy (main campus) off Vaughn Road. David and Jennie are supplying the food.  It’s BYOD (bring your own drink…soda, beer, whatever).

RSVP to Jennie or David in person or via email and we’ll give you directions.

Community Events Rest Day

2010-07-11 Rest Day

Sundays are rest days at CrossFit Montgomery.

23:1 …  The ratio 23:1 represents 23 hours of free time (time spent not working out at The Boneyard) to your one hour workout (including warm-up, WOD, and stretching).  That’s 23 hours that includes hydrating, eating (nutrition), sleeping (recovery), working, playing, etc.

Recovery is just as important as training. Your body needs time to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues.  Recovery includes, but is not limited to: rest, sleep, hydration, good nutrition, stretching, self-massaging (using a foam roller), massage by a professional, and chiropractic care.

Weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  We email these announcements to those on our mailing list.  If you want to receive these announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected].  We also provide updates on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week.

Weekly Announcements

– We completed the affiliation process with CrossFit Inc. this week and have changed our name from 41Fitness to CrossFit Montgomery.  We are excited about joining the CrossFit community of 1,700+ affliates worldwide and look forward to spreading the CrossFit movement.  We will celebrate over the next month by doing CrossFit Inc., A.K.A “CrossFit HQ” WODs posted on starting with last Monday’s WOD, starting this Monday.

– CrossFit Montgomery (CM) will be taking a group to the Faction Games 2010 August 7-8.  David is registered and Jennie and Cody will be registering in the coming weeks.  We are reserving our hotel rooms this week.  Let us know if you are interested in competing or being a spectator.  The Boneyard will be closed that weekend which includes Friday evening classes and Saturday’s open gym.  We will have WODs posted on our Web site on these two days.  The WODs will be workouts that you can do at home.

– We will be taking a group to the Inaugural Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon October 2.  If you are interested, let us know and try to register ASAP because registration is 85% full.

– The 2010 CrossFit Games are next weekend in Carson, California!  The Revolution Will Now Be Televised (On The Web) with over 30 hours of live HD coverage.  All members of CrossFit Montgomery are invited to attend our CrossFit Games Party at member Kelly’s house.  More information coming soon…

Community Events Rest Day

2010-06-26/27 Rest Day

The Boneyard will be closed Saturday, June 26, 2010.  41Fitness trainers David and Cody will be playing with the Montgomery Yellowhammers for the first time in a Rugby 7’s Tournament starting at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday at Heardmont Park in Birmingham.  Wish them luck!

Weekly Announcements
Weekly announcements are usually posted on Sundays which are our Rest Days.  We email these announcements to those on our mailing list.  If you want to receive these announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected].  We also provide updates on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week.

– The Boneyard is now open for 5:00 and 5:30 a.m. classes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

– The WORK’N HARD AT THE ‘YARD shirts are available for pick-up at The Boneyard.  The SWEAT ANGEL shirts will be ready soon.  We ordered extra shirts, so if you are interested in purchasing one, let us know.

– 41Fitness will be taking a group to the Faction Games 2010 on Saturday & Sunday, August 7-8 at Shelby Farms in Memphis, TN and the Inaugural Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at Disney World in Orlando, FL. Let us know if you are interested in attending either of these events.

– The temps are reaching 100+ at The Boneyard. It’s critical to stay hydrated before and after your workout. The Water section of our 23 Hours page explains how much water you should drink daily and for one hour of physical activity.  We want you to know the warning signs for heat cramps, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) provides information on heat-related illnesses, including how to prevent and treat them, and who is most at risk.

Community Events Rest Day

2010-06-20 Rest Day

41Fitness wishes all the dads out there a very special Father’s Day!  We appreciate all the heavy lifting.

Sundays are rest days at 41Fitness.  Weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  We email these announcements to those on our mailing list.   If you want to receive these announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected].  We also provide updates on Facebook and Twitter throughout the week.

Weekly Announcements
– Starting tomorrow The Boneyard will be open at 5:00 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

– The WORK’N HARD AT THE ‘YARD shirts are available for pick-up at The Boneyard.  The SWEAT ANGEL shirts will be ready sometime this week.   We ordered extra shirts so if you are interested in purchasing one, please email us at [email protected].

– 41Fitness will be taking a group to the Faction Games 2010 on Saturday & Sunday, August 7-8 at Shelby Farms in Memphis, TN and the Inaugural Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at Disney World in Orlando, FL.   Let us know if you are interested in attending either of these events as we are discussing accommodations this week.

– Tomorrow is the first day of summer and the temps are already reaching 100+ at The Boneyard.   It’s critical to stay hydrated before and after your workout.   The Water section of our 23 Hours page explains how much water you should drink daily and for one hour of physical activity.  We want you to know the warning signs for heat cramps, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion.  The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) provides information on heat-related illnesses, including how to prevent and treat them, and who is most at risk.

Community Events Rest Day

2010-06-13 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.   23:1  The ratio 23:1 represents 23 hours of free time (time spent not working out at The Boneyard) to your one hour workout (including warm-up, WOD, and stretching).  That’s 23 hours that includes hydrating, eating (nutrition), sleeping (recovery), working, playing, etc.

Recovery is just as important as training.  Your body needs time to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues.  Recovery includes, but is not limited to: rest, sleep, hydration, good nutrition, stretching, self-massaging (using a foam roller), massage by a professional, and chiropractic care.

Weekly Announcements

– Weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  We email these announcements to those on our mailing list.  If you want to receive our announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected].

– The 41Fitness T-shirts that we ordered will be available for pick-up at The Boneyard on Friday, June 18.  We ordered extra shirts so if you are interested in purchasing one, please email us at [email protected].

– The Alabama Department of Public Health is hosting Men’s Ten Awareness Event in recognition of Men’s Health Month on Tuesday, June 15 from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Bring a lunch.  Get information.  Enjoy the activities.  Win a prize.  And don’t forget to wear something blue!  It’s Wear Blue Jeans Day.  Women are invited to attend!  41Fitness will be providing two door prizes for the event.  We hope to see you there!

– 41Fitness will be attending the Faction Games 2010 on Saturday & Sunday, August 7-8 at Shelby Farms in Memphis, TN and the Inaugural Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at Disney World in Orlando, FL.  Let us know if you are interested in attending either of these events.

Community Events Rest Day

2010-06-06 Rest Day

Sunday is rest day at 41Fitness.   23:1  The ratio 23:1 represents 23 hours of free time (time spent not working out at The Boneyard) to your one hour workout (including warm-up, WOD, and stretching).  That’s 23 hours that includes hydrating, eating (nutrition), sleeping (recovery), working, playing, etc.

Recovery is just as important as training.  Your body needs time to replenish energy stores and repair damaged tissues.  Recovery includes, but is not limited to: rest, sleep, hydration, good nutrition, stretching, self-massaging (using a foam roller), massage by a professional, and chiropractic care.

Weekly Announcements

Weekly announcements are posted on Sunday.  We email these announcements to those on our mailing list.   If you want to receive our announcements and other updates, please email us at [email protected].

– The 41Fitness T-shirts that we ordered will be available for pick-up at The Boneyard on Friday, June 18.  We ordered extra shirts so if you are interested in purchasing one, please email us at [email protected].

– 41Fitness owner/trainer David Sumner attended the CrossFit Endurance Specialty Certification in Birmingham last weekend where he learned how to effectively program CrossFit Endurance workouts and teach endurance and CrossFit athletes how to train with better running mechanics.  He will continue to share some running drills and stretches and strengthening exercises with us.

– Last weekend was the South East Regional Qualifier for the 2010 Crossfit Games.  The South East Qualifier, A.K.A. The Dirty South, is sending 4 men and 4 women from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee  to compete for the titles of World’s Fittest Man and World’s Fittest Woman at the 2010 CrossFit Games.  Congratulations to 41Fitness friend Christina Van Der Hulst who placed 6th overall.  Chrissy went from 27th place up to 26th and then 10th on Day 1.  She moved up to 6th place after the final two events.  View Final Results.  Visit to watch her in action.

– 41Fitness will be attending the Faction Games 2010 on Saturday & Sunday, August 7-8 at Shelby Farms in Memphis, TN and the Inaugural Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend on Saturday, October 2, 2010 at Disney World in Orlando, FL.  Let us know if you are interested in attending either of these events.