CrossFit Regional Workout 11.4
For Time:
-100 Pull-ups
-100 Kettlebell swings (24/16)
-100 Double-unders
-100 Overhead squats (95/65)
CrossFit Regional Workout 11.4
For Time:
-100 Pull-ups
-100 Kettlebell swings (24/16)
-100 Double-unders
-100 Overhead squats (95/65)
3 replies on “2011-06-03 WOD”
Is this real life?
*Hope someone knows where that’s from.
Are you referring to “David After the Dentist?” And did you know there is a website: There are Facebook and Twitter accounts too!
Everyone this morning did 5 rounds of 20 reps. And we can scaled back even more.
See ya…wouldn’t want to B ya! 😉