CrossFit Workouts

2010-03-15 WOD

Back Squat
– 5 sets

Three rounds for reps:
1. Slam Ball – 1 minute
2. Squat Thrust – 1 minute
3. KB Swing – 1 minute
4. Jumping Pullup – 1 minute
5. Rest – 1 Minute

6 replies on “2010-03-15 WOD”

Um, just wondering how something that is done in 1 minute intervals can be “for time?” By definition isn’t this 15 minutes long?

Ooops… fixed 🙂

Workout will run 14 minutes. Your final rest is indefinite and the workout is done after your third set of jumping pullups.

Well the WO is really 12 minutes if you subtract the 2 minutes of rest from the 14 minute session.

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