CrossFit Workouts

2010-01-06 WOD

2 x 10 Minute AMRAP
5 minutes between rounds
– 5 Box Jumps
– 10 Situps
– 15 Air Squats

4 replies on “2010-01-06 WOD”

Did this one this morning, but only the first 10 minutes. I am doing the strength WOD this evening. I got 10 rounds completed. My legs felt like they were going to pop. Been a while since I have done that many reps of anything in 10 minutes.

Did both rounds.
Round 1 – 8
Round 2 – 7

Used the 16″ box – I jumped the whole thing. Not a single step up. 🙂

Round 1: 9 (5 more squats would make 10)
Round 2: 9 (7 more squats would make 10)

I jumped to a 20″ but focused on jumping off and landing on both legs as opposed to stepping off. My legs were toast!

Great job Kardio! Next time you can use the built-in box that’s the same height. LOL!

Lots of progress is being made at The Boneyard. Kudos to Kelly D. who had moved to the red band after starting with the purple band less than 3 months ago.

Josh did an awesome job tonight as well – getting 9 rounds on round 1 and 8 rounds on round 2.

Consistency is the key to progress!

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