Articles Nutrition

French Fry “The Invincible”

The McDonald’s french fry’s resistance to decay is disturbing.  If mold and bacteria in our environment cannot put a dent in these things, how is our digestive system supposed to process these foods in any beneficial way.  I always wondered why the lost french fry I would find under my car seat at least several weeks after I last ate fast food looked liked it could still be eaten.  In my opinion, you would be better off eating food that rots – it is natural.  🙂

– David

CrossFit Workouts

2009-09-27 WOD


Double Couplet Intervals

Total of 8 Cycles, 30secs work – 15secs rest. Alternate between the movements in each couplet. Each movement is a cycle.

First 4 cycles (6 minutes)
1a. Swings
1b. Burpees

Second 4 cycles (6 minutes)
2a. Situps
2b. Air Squats

In The Park Workouts

2009-09-23 Park WOD


4 Rounds for time

Rx Reps: 40, 30, 20, 10
Scaled Reps: 20, 15, 10, 5

– Walking Lunge (count each step)
– 400m Run
– Situps

CrossFit Workouts

2009-09-19 WOD


Sandbag Cleans w/ Squat Drop

– 5 right shoulder
– 5 left shoulder
– 5 front

Double Couplet

Couplet #1
1a. Press (Push Press) – Reps: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
1b. Air Squat – Reps: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

2 minute rest

Couplet #2
2a. Deadlift – Reps: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2
2b. Push Ups – Reps: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25


2009-09-15 WOD


“Uh oh, UNO!” or “Deck of Cards”

– Zeros = 10 Burpees

– Blue = Pushups

– Red = Swings

– Green = Push Press

– Yellow = Goblet Squats


2009-09-13 WOD


Repeat until 30 OH Squats have been completed.

– 150ft walking lunge

– OH Squat until failure



“Less Rest, More Weary” w/ KB Swings and Squat Thrusts

Work Period + 1/2 Rest Period

  • 60secs KB Swings/30secs Rest
  • 60secs Squat Thrusts/30secs Rest
  • 60secs KB Swings/30secs Rest
  • 60secs Squat Thrusts/30secs Rest
  • 40secs KB Swings/20secs Rest
  • 40secs Squat Thrusts/20secs Rest
  • 40secs KB Swings/20secs Rest
  • 40secs Squat Thrusts/20secs Rest
  • 30secs KB Swings/15secs Rest
  • 30secs Squat Thrusts/15secs Rest
  • 30secs KB Swings/15secs Rest
  • 30secs Squat Thrusts/15secds Rest
  • 20secs KB Swings/10secs Rest
  • 20secs Squat Thrusts/10secs Rest
  • 20secs KB Swings/10secs Rest
  • 20secs Squat Thrusts/10secs Rest

The Beginning

Got word today that the offer we submitted to the property owner was accepted. Will have keys in our hands soon….we can’t wait. The real work begins once we start working to turn the warehouse into a proper gym.


2009-09-09 WOD


“Fight Gone Bad” – Rep Style

3 Rounds

1a. 20 Two Handed KB Thruster

1b. 20 KB SDHP

1c. 20 Sandbag Hops

1d. 20 Two Handed KB Push Press

1e. 400m Run

1f. 60secs Rest


2009-09-08 CrossFit

Swing/Burpee Ladder

10 Rounds:
– 10 KB Swings
– (1, 2, … 10) Burpees


2009-09-07 CrossFit

5 Rounds For Time

– (10, 8, 6, 4, 2) Sandbag Shoulder w/Squat Drops
– (30, 24, 18, 12, 6) Situps
– 400m Run