– Row 500m
– 50 KB Swings
– 40 Air Squats
– 30 Push Press
– 20 Wall Ball
– 10 Burpees
Category: Workouts
Foundations WOD
AMRAP – 15 Minutes
– 6 Jumping Pullups
– 6 KB Swings
– 6 Burpees/Squat Thrusts
3 Minutes AMRAP, 1 Minute Rest, Five Rounds
– 3 Power Cleans (135lb, 95lb)
– 6 Pushups
– 9 Air Squats
Foundations WOD
Stations (45 secs work, 15 secs rest)
Four times at each station, eight minutes total
– Press, Push Press (barbell or kettlebell)
– Kettlebell Swing
Foundations WOD
For Time:
1. Front Squat (15, 12, 9, 6)
2. Wall Ball (6, 9, 12, 15)
2009-10-18 WOD
Mobility Exercises
3 rounds continuous movement:
1. Row 500m
With 2 kettlebells:
2a. 5 Presses
2b. OHL Walk 100ft.
2c. 5 Thrusters
2d. Racked Lunge 100ft.
2e. 5 Front Squats
2f. Racked Walk 100ft.
2g. 5 Cleans
2h. Farmer’s Walk 100ft.
2i. 5 Suitcase Deadlifts
Mobility Exercises
Row Instruction
Deadlift Instruction
Deadlift (Male: 225lb, Female: 155lb) Scale to your capacity
Run 400m on even rep rounds, Row 500m on odd rep rounds
Short Variation
10, 8, 6, 4, 2
Deadlift or KB Swing
Run 400m or Row 500m each round
2009-10-13 Park WOD
15 Minute AMRAP
– 6 Jumping Pullups or Pushups
– 9 Air Squats
– 12 KB Swings
2009-10-7 Park WOD
For time:
Round 1: 30 Jumping Pullups, Run 100m, 30 Air Squats, Run 100m
Round 2: 20 Jumping Pullups, Run 100m, 20 Air Squats, Run 100m
Round 3: 10 Jumping Pullups, Run 100m, 10 Air Squats, Run 100m
Advanced variation: Carry a medicine ball or kettlebell on the run. Perform front squats with your weight instead of air squats.
Beginner variation: Reduce reps to 15, 10, 5
2009-10-5 Park WOD
Complete the following each minute for 15 minutes.
1. 1o KB Swings
2. 5 KB Right Arm Press/Push Press
3. 5 KB Left Arm Press/Push Press
If the minute ends before you finish your reps, complete your reps and wait for the next minute to begin.