CrossFit Workouts

2009-12-12 WOD

Twelve Days of Christmas
1st Day – 1 Handstand Pushup
2nd Day – 2 Thrusters (24kg/16kg; 95#/65#)
3rd Day – 3 Burpees
4th Day – 4 Box Jumps (24″)
5th Day – 5 Pullups
6th Day – 6 Air Squats
7th Day – 7 KB Swings (24kg/16kg)
8th Day – 8 Situps
9th Day – 9 Pushups
10th Day – 10 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
11th Day – 11 Walking Lunges
12th Day – 12 100M Rows

Sunday is the first day of the twelve days of Christmas.  In the spirit of the holidays, 41Fitness will do a Twelve Days of Christmas workout.  You will perform the movements like the song, “Twelve Days of Christmas”….1 handstand pushup, 2 thrusters, 1 handstand pushup, 3 burpees, 2 thrusters, 1 handstand pushup, and so forth…

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from David, Jennie, and Franky!

3 replies on “2009-12-12 WOD”

Once everyone understood the order in which the exercises were to be executed, the Twelve Days of Christmas WOD went well. It was a tough one….just ask the five who completed it! There was at least one movement that really challenged, both physically and mentally, each athlete. For some it was the handstand pushups; for others it was wall ball. The fastest time was 26+ minutes and the longest time was 51+ minutes. Kudos to everyone who completed this one! 😉

WOD took me 41 minutes! Geesh! The wall balls were brutal. I was missing two for every one that I made. Can’t wait to see the video!!! LOL!

Wow, I just got through a few minutes ago! Time was 27 hours, 31 minutes & change. OK, not really, but it felt like it! Real time was 31 something. I just couldn’t get anything going! The hardest part was the 3,2 & 1 reps exercises. BTW- CJ really rocked this one!

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