Events Workouts

2010-08-28 Open Gym

Saturday Instruction:  Mobility Drills at 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.

Saturdays are open gym from 9:00 a.m. until noon. You can come in to work on specific movements, particularly ones in which you need practice and further instruction. We will have a WOD that you can do or you can choose to do a WOD that you missed this week.

4 replies on “2010-08-28 Open Gym”

Video: Stretching at The Boneyard

Kelly, Troy, Jon, and Chuck do two of our favorite hip flexor stretches with Madame Drill Sergeant Jennie. Pain now…. thank you’s later!


Jennie: Ok. You guys are not pushing hard enough if you are in a conversation over here.
Kelly: We. Are. Trying. To survive. It hurts.

Troy: You going to do your Chelsea?
Alex: Not if I have to do that afterwards.

Kelly: I hate you right now.
Jennie: You don’t hate me.
Kelly: I hate you right NOW. I’ll love you in about 30 minutes.

Jennie: Last one, so go all out.
Troy: What have we been DOING?

Oh and Kelly gets her revenge on Jennie.
Video coming soon… 😉

Someone posted a photo on Facebook of a shirt that reads:

“I take aspirin for the headache caused by Zyrtec I take for the hayfever I got from Relenza for the uneasy stomach from the Ritalin I take for the short attention span caused by the Scopederm Ts I take for the motion sickness I got from the Lomotil I take for the diarrhea caused by the Zenikal for the un…controllable weight gain from the Paxil I take for the anxiety from Zocor I take for my high cholesterol because exercise, a good diet, and regular chiropractic care are just to much trouble.”

Troy, We will miss having you do both. It was great having someone who is into CrossFit as much as we are. Hopefully you will be back in Montgomery sometime in the future. Good luck getting your new affiliate rolling.

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