CrossFit Montgomery – CF
Partner 1 | 1:00 on machine of choice, slow
Partner 2 | 1:00 on machine of choice, slow
10 leg swings/leg
10 alternating plank shoulder taps
10 lateral leg swings/leg
5 push-ups from the knees
10 arm swings
5 push-ups
10 alternating Cossack squats
5 burpees, slow
10 alternating lunges
5 burpees, fast
Partner 1 | 1:00 on machine of choice, moderate pace
Partner 2 | 1:00 on machine of choice, moderate pace
– During the 1:00 on machine, the non-working partner performs 1:00 alternating Samson stretch.
Partner 1: 200 meters, fast
Partner 2: 200 meters, fast
Together: 5 burpees
Metcon (Distance)
On a 30:00 clock with a partner:
AAB for distance
– Trade off as desired.
– Starting at :00 and again every 2:00 partners each perform 10 burpees together.
On a 30:00 clock with a partner:
AAB for distance
– Trade off as desired.
– Starting at :00 and again every 2:00 partners each perform 7 burpees together.
On a 30:00 clock with a partner:
AAB for distance
– Trade off as desired.
– Starting at :00 and again every 2:00 partners perform 3 burpees together.
– Trade off as desired.
– Starting at :00 and again every 2:00 partners each perform 10 burpees together.
:30 standing hamstring stretch/leg
:30 elevated pigeon stretch/side