CrossFit Montgomery – CF
For 8 Minutes:
8 Cossack Squats
8 Leg Swings per leg
8 Plate Ground to Overheard
8 Burpees to Plate
On a continuous 12:00 Clock:
from 0-2:00
Build from empty barbell to opening weight
Beginning at 2;00, Every 2:00 for 5 sets:
5 Hang Power Cleans
Score is the weight of each working set added together (e/g/ 85-95-105-115-125 = 525lbs)
Metcon (Weight)
Total of 5 Hang Power Cleans
For time in teams of 4, rotating one athlete at a time:
24 Rounds (6 rounds each)
200′ Sled Shuttle (100′ out/back)
Begin with an empty sled. Each round, add a 25/15lbs plate to the sled.