CrossFit Montgomery – CF
AMRAP 6 Minutes
.31/.25 miles AAB
10 Ring Rows > Kip Swings*
8 Plate Ground to OH (15-25lbs)
:15 Wall Facing HS Hold
*Switch to Kip Swings when loose
Pick One of the following:
AMRAP 1:30 x 4
Max Sets of 5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Rest 2:30
AMRAP 1:30 x 4
Max Sets of 5 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups
Rest 2:30
AMRAP 1:30 x 4
Max Sets of 5 Banded Pull Ups (kipping or strict)
Rest 2:30
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
Rx+ = C2B
Rx = Pull Ups
Scaled = Banded
Four separate scores will be entered.
Score is the number of sets completed during the working time.
ex: 3 sets of 5 = 3
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 6 Minutes
24 DB Snatches (50/35lbs)
16 Strict HSPU