Join the Montgomery Yellowhammers Rugby Football Club at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday for a round robin: Montg. vs Nashville, Nashville vs. Baton Rouge, and Montg. vs. Baton Rouge! The Yellowhammers welcome anyone in the River Region with an interest in sports and camaraderie to come give rugby a try.
We’ve chosen a name for the monkey bar thingamajig. We shall call it The Boneyard Backbone! Thanks to Monte for the suggestion and to those who voted in our poll!
Almost 40 percent of American kids’ calorie consumption comes from solid fat and added sugars!
BUT IT’S DIET…! Here’s a video explaining the importance of understanding acid vs. alkaline foods. Forget calories and look at the quality of foods you are eating.
Why are acid reflux meds the fastest growing meds in the U.S.? Why is it that Americans have the highest calcium consumption in the world, yet poor bone health? How can a diet soda with 0 calories make you gain weight?
3 replies on “2010-10-07 CrossFit”
Join the Montgomery Yellowhammers Rugby Football Club at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday for a round robin: Montg. vs Nashville, Nashville vs. Baton Rouge, and Montg. vs. Baton Rouge! The Yellowhammers welcome anyone in the River Region with an interest in sports and camaraderie to come give rugby a try.
Check them out on Facebook:
We’ve chosen a name for the monkey bar thingamajig. We shall call it The Boneyard Backbone! Thanks to Monte for the suggestion and to those who voted in our poll!
Almost 40 percent of American kids’ calorie consumption comes from solid fat and added sugars!
Article: U.S. Kids Filling Up on ‘Empty Calories,’ Study Finds – Excess fats and added sugars will lead to health woes later on, experts say
BUT IT’S DIET…! Here’s a video explaining the importance of understanding acid vs. alkaline foods. Forget calories and look at the quality of foods you are eating.
Why are acid reflux meds the fastest growing meds in the U.S.? Why is it that Americans have the highest calcium consumption in the world, yet poor bone health? How can a diet soda with 0 calories make you gain weight?
Video: How diet soda causes weight gain…