I cannot believe we do not have any comments on this WOD. I have not had time to work out as much as I would like…so I ran a mile and did Deck of Cards with two different groups last night. I had to go down to the 8kg ‘bell during the second Deck. The lunges were the hardest for me. And I looked like I was going slow-mo on the second suicide run in the second Deck. Fun times!!!
Oh my body hurts.
Maybe no one is commenting because they don’t have anything good to say about the workout. 😉
I’m sad I missed it! (and that I will miss the 9-2-10 one as well!)
4 replies on “2010-09-01 CrossFit”
I cannot believe we do not have any comments on this WOD. I have not had time to work out as much as I would like…so I ran a mile and did Deck of Cards with two different groups last night. I had to go down to the 8kg ‘bell during the second Deck. The lunges were the hardest for me. And I looked like I was going slow-mo on the second suicide run in the second Deck. Fun times!!!
Oh my body hurts.
Maybe no one is commenting because they don’t have anything good to say about the workout. 😉
I’m sad I missed it! (and that I will miss the 9-2-10 one as well!)