Strength Workouts

2010-02-09 Strength WOD

Upper Body Max Effort
1. 1RM Push Press
2. 5 x 5 Reps Bentover Barbell Rows
3. 5 x 10 Reps Ring Dips
4. 5 x 5 Reps Weighted Situps

Push Press – With bar racked on the front of the shoulder, dip down, keeping shoulders over your hips, and drive up. Follow the upward momentum of the bar with a press to lockout position overhead.

Bentover Barbell Row – Bent at the waist and back in full extension, with knees slightly bent, pull the barbell from arms fully extended into the stomach while keeping the elbows close to your torso. Develops the spinal erectors and upper back.

Ring Dip – Increases shoulder strength and stability. Use band between the rings under the knee to assist.

Weighted Situp – Hold a plate, kettlebell(s), or barbell at arms-length above your shoulder. Situp and rotate arms to keep weight above the shoulder.

One reply on “2010-02-09 Strength WOD”

Push Press – 185# x 3, 205# x 1, 215# x 1, 235# x 1, 245# x 1

Bentover Barbell Row – 185# x 5, 195# x 5, 200# x 5, 200# x 5, 200# x 5

Ring Dip – 10 @ bodyweight, 2 x 10 w/ 8kg KB, 2 x 10 @ bodyweight

Weighted Situp – 5 x 5 @ 95# barbell

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