Underground Strength Workouts

2009-11-20 UGS WOD

Week 3
Upper Body (UB)

5 Rounds:
1a. 5-10 Alternating Presses
1b. 5 Weighted Pullups

4 Rounds:
2a. 15 Weighted Pushups or Ring Dips
2b. 10 Bentover Double Kettlebell Row

3 Rounds:
3a. 5 Hang Cleans
3b. Tire Harness Overhead Extension and Standing Press

5 Rounds:
4a. 200ft Farmer’s Walk
4b. 20 Sledge Strikes

One reply on “2009-11-20 UGS WOD”

1. 20kg on alternating presses week one. Third time through I was using the 32kg bells. Weighted pullups started with 30# week 1, up to 54# week three.

2. Ring dips all three times. Broken up all rounds the first two times through. Third week I completed the first round unbroken.

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