CrossFit Workouts

2009-11-18 WOD

Courtesy of

For time:
– 50 Pullups
– 400m Run
– 21 Thrusters (95#/65#)
– 800m Run
– 21 Thrusters (95#/65#)
– 400m Run
– 50 Pullups

Sgt. 1st Class Daniel B. Crabtree was killed in action on June 24, 2006 when a roadside bomb exploded next to his vehicle during a combat patrol near Al Kut, in east-central Iraq.  He is survived by his wife, Kathy, and his daughter, Mallory, of Green, Ohio.  He is also survived by his father, Ronald Crabtree and his mother, Judy Ann Crabtree.

Daniel B. Crabtree Memorial Website

5 replies on “2009-11-18 WOD”

Yeah, you can ask Super Sandy about subbing JPUs for pullups… 😉

We won’t close until the last person finishes. I may be doing Daniel with ya unless we are as crowded as we were Monday night, which would be awesome….

….misery loves company… Ha!

My “Daniel” time was 22:35. I subbed JPUs for pullups. I ran and did 65# thrusters as rx’d. I haven’t done 65# thrusters since February before my knee surgery in April. They were tough but the weight was feasible.

Why is it I have such a difficult time remembering my times? I guess it’s a good thing I’m keeping a journal – I’d never know otherwise. I think my time was between 24-25 minutes…I do remember it was exactly 1 minute less than Brian, so hopefully he remembers his time. 🙂

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